Where will T-Bone go?
I got to say I was doubting my ability of placing a dog into the mosaic, but what helped immensely was the photo sent to me featured the T-Bone posed perfectly on this porch…
My design was drawn larger than life and I shrank T-Bone down to size. I realized I could not do it in as many pieces as in my design. Eyes were removed, kind of. I put in a divot on the one side and the big black patch of fur on the other side blends into the eye. So I went for it, instead of avoiding it till the end of the project. I wondered if it would even look like a dog.
Trying to get T-Bone (the mosaic pieces) to sit still on the pattern was difficult, but somehow, some way (I think the love of T-Bone and the hope of the clients saved the day) it looks like T-Bone.

Margaret couldn’t resist picking T-Bone up
T-Bone the Bull Terrier was rescued by Hugh, after being hit by a car. Hugh restores more than houses.

Nutmeg Designs House Portrait with T-Bone