A friend tells me about a card. The card featured two hands, two words, one heart. He wondered if I could do something in glass. He says he will send me an image. Overtime the project pops up in conversation. Overtime no image pops up. At times I do searches on Google. On Instagram. On Flickr. I cannot find the all the pieces, but I do see many images of two hands forming a heart.
A snowy day arrives and I sit down at my drawing table. An idea has arrived to place the words outside the heart. I draw a design and show it to my friend. He approves. An invoice is sent and an electronic check clears.
Valentines approaches. A storm with much snow approaches. It works out because weeks ago i got approved to have Wednesday off for an appointment. I solder the heart early in the morning, the two hands, the two words; and email my friend. Stop by tonight is my message.
Today my friend is happy and his Valentine tells me she is pondering which window to place it in. It was not meant to be a Valentines gift, but the project did lean in that direction.