
The Art of the Bird: Jane Kim celebrating the diversity of birds; Cornell Lab of Ornithology; Wayne Stratz (2015)

Who travels to a world famous center for the study of birds to see art? I am sure we are not the only ones; and to be honest, after the art we walked outside checking out plants and animals in nature not in the realm of art.

An unexpected surprise was to find Jane Kim many feet up in the air painting birds of the world. I had read about the project. Do I wish to have seen it completed? It will be amazing. But to watch her create and to see her vision unfolding was worth being there at that moment. to learn more, see more, and watch a video… head over here. 

Here is a close up of a tiny part of the mural:

Jane Kim of Ink Dwell: amazing bird mural at Cornell University

Jane Kim of Ink Dwell: amazing bird mural at Cornell University


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