Entering: Michener Museum Features Jazz Portraits by Herman Leonard. Photo by Wayne Stratz

Entering: Michener Museum Features Jazz Portraits by Herman Leonard. Photo by Wayne Stratz

Jazz frequents our home, studios, classroom, church, car… it travels through our life. So what a delight to find jazz history in our favorite local museum, the Michener. You have until October 11, 2015 to have this seat.

A place to take in jazz history: Michener Museum Features Jazz Portraits by Herman Leonard. Photo by Wayne Stratz

A place to take in jazz history: Michener Museum Features Jazz Portraits by Herman Leonard. Photo by Wayne Stratz

Herman Leondard said, “I saw photographing jazz artists as a visual diary of what I was hearing. I wanted to preserve the mood and atmosphere as much as possible. My goal was to capture these artists at the height of their finest creative moments.” Read entire interview here.

I have come to imagine doing the same within my studio. There are pieces that come from designs drawn to jazz, such as this one inspired by pianist Vijay Iyer:

Jazz doodling with glass: Inspired by Vijay Iyer. by Wayne Stratz

Jazz doodling with glass: Inspired by Vijay Iyer. by Wayne Stratz

And other in which I have no set design, but pieces of glass that are soldered together while the music of jazz vocalist Gregory Porter flowed:

Jazz doodling with glass: Inspired by Gregory Porter. by Wayne Stratz

Jazz doodling with glass: Inspired by Gregory Porter. by Wayne Stratz


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